Nyhetsarkivet » Nyheter från startsidan » 2012-07-19 Icaros Desktop 1.4.5 finns för nedladdning!
2012-07-19 Icaros Desktop 1.4.5 finns för nedladdning!
Icaros Desktop 1.4.5 finns för nedladdning!
New from Icaros Desktop 1.4.2
- Wanderer backdrop option now works
- updated system files from July 16th, 2012
- updated development stuff
- added AMOS Pro for AROS (running in emulation)
- added XAMOS AMOS interpreter for AROS
- fixed LoView and updated to version 2.51
- added M68K applications support (initial)
+ Amiga™ ROMs and OS not required anymore for legacy apps
+ M68K applications run in coherency mode
+ shared settings for locale, input, fonts, etc
+ shared clipboard and filesystems
- improved FAT handler
- improved GMA graphics 3D driver
- added Wazp3D preferences program to Prefs
- added Cinnamon Writer word-processor
- added Ignition (68k) spreadsheet application
- updated Annotate to latest release
- updated LodePaint to latest release
- added PForth to development languages
- zipped documentation and sources to save space
- added Oricutron Oric-1 emulator
- added zBoy Game Boy emulator
- added Unarc to file managers
- added game Hurrican (remake of Turrican - needs acceleration)
- updated MegaMario
+ does not need HW acceleration anymore
+ 24/32bit resolutions handled correctly
- updated Duke Nukem 3D to latest release
- updated MP3Player to latest release
- added new themes for windows decoration
- updated Services preference program
- updated cbmbasic to latest release
- added nrg2iso conversion command
- added neopop Neo Geo Pocket emulator
Inlägget är publicerat av Admin (amiga) 2012-07-19 12:00:00 ,uppdaterad 2012-07-19 08:17:22
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